Since the pandemic, we have slowly been adapting to physical routines, growing in exchanges, and focusing on the leadership experiences we provide to all stakeholders. However, we are still recovering from the impact of the pandemic on the organization's financial sustainability.

During this period, AIESEC in Portugal had to reimburse around 10K euros to exchange participants who could no longer realize an experience with AIESEC due to pandemic restrictions. 

We have adapted: we have introduced Business Development on the Local Level on some of our Local Committees, focused our operations on Internships Programs and reduced investments and costs, nationally and locally.
In this sense, we would like to ask for the support of our Alumni Network and foster our cooperation! 

These are the ways you can contribute to AIESEC in Portugal and our Local Committees:

  • Sponsor our events and National and Local initiatives;

  • Being present in our Events;

  • Partnering with AIESEC and having international talent in your company;

  • Monthly or period donation to AIESEC in Portugal and to our Local Committees.

We are also available to have a call with you, learn more about your past in the organization, and if you believe you can contribute in other ways, we would love to hear from you!

Please approach our Member Committee President, Jéssica Antunes, through if you

In the case that you prefer Bank Transfer

  • Name: Associação Internacional Estudantes Ciências Económicas Empresariais

  • IBAN: PT50 0035 0371 00002026430 81


In the case that you prefer MBWay

  • +351 915 919 710 - from our Head of Finance & Legal, to be tranfered directly to AIESEC in Portugal

1. How can I know more about the context of AIESEC in Portugal?

In the case that you would like to know more about our current context, please reach out to our Member Committee President, through

2. As Alumni of AIESEC in Portugal, I would like to contribute to the Entity or one of the Local Committees. How can I do it?

In the case that you would like to be involved in a different way from the ones displayed above, please reach out directly to the Member Committee President or the Member Committee Vice President through the following e-mails: and

3. I have an additional question that hasn’t been answered. How should I proceed?

In the case that you have additional questions that haven’t been answered, please leave them below. Thank you!